When Your Spouse Is an Unfit Parent: A Father's Guide to Securing Full Custody

It is traditionally more difficult to fathers to gain full custody and placement of their children in divorce cases. The court still idealizes the typical American familial structure of a father who works full-time and a mother who provides primary nurturing care to children. However, some mothers can be emotionally absent, verbally or physically abuse, or neglectful in their treatment of their children. If you are concerned that the mother of your children will be an unfit parent for your children, you will need to fight for full custody to ensure their well-being. [Read More]

Avoid Getting Hit With A Child Support Order After Donating Sperm

People seeking donor sperm often turn to friends, family members, and sometimes strangers. Although this may be easier in many respects than going to a sperm bank, it can result in complicated and unfortunate situations that hurt one or both parties involved in the matter. One such complication is that a sperm donor could be made to pay child support to the custodial parent, even though the donor is not interested in raising the child. [Read More]

Should You Apply For Social Security Disability Or Unemployment?

If you've recently lost your job due to an injury or medical condition, you need to find a way to replace that lost income. While trying to get as many benefits as possible might seem like a good idea, you should know that even attempting to apply for Social Security benefits while receiving unemployment will result in a swift denial. You have to make a choice, but how do you know which one is right for you? [Read More]

Preparing To Meet With A Medical Malpractice Attorney

If you were injured by a healthcare professional, chances are good you'll need to work with a medical malpractice attorney to obtain compensation for your damages and losses. It's critical that you take time to prepare for the meeting. While you are interviewing a lawyer to ensure he is she is the right person to handle your case, the attorney will be assessing you to decide if he or she wants to take on your. [Read More]